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"The Experts from A to XYZ"
Xavier Zymantas
Aug 15, 2020
Microsoft is in love with Apple Silicon
Yes, it's true, Microsoft is in love with Apple Silicon. Why would they be? Read on.
Xavier Zymantas
Aug 15, 2020
Why Apple Silicon matters
In July 2020, Apple announced that they would be transitioning away from Intel processors and make the move toward their own Apple Silicon
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 16, 2018
The 2018 Mac Mini should have been...
The 2018 Mac Mini should have been fantastic. It should have been awesome. It should have been totally mesmerising. It should have been a te
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 7, 2018
Time to Quit: Why I quit Apple and became a PC Guy
Roundup: Why I quit Apple and became a PC Guy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 7, 2018
Mo-Harvey: Loving Windows 10
Part 3: Leaving Apple and becoming a PC Guy. While everyone else is in love with macOS Mojave, I'm loving Windows 10.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 6, 2018
Leaving Apple for the PC
Part 2 - Leaving Apple for the PC Leaving Apple for the PC Breaking up is hard to do.This, however, was easier than I thought it would be.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 5, 2018
Why I quit Apple and became a PC guy
It's true: I'm leaving Apple and becoming a PC guy. Let me tell you why.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Nov 1, 2018
Remember the iPod?
Remember the iPod? I used to own an iPod Classic, and an iPod touch 2. Long since gone, the iPods of yore are dead. However, while moving ol
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Oct 18, 2018
Apple Mac Pro 2019: mighty
The Apple Mac Pro 2019 needs to be mighty. It needs to be awesome. It needs to be the king of the heap: with a sensible price tag. The...
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Oct 16, 2018
All Apple Lightning cables to go USB-C in 2019
Hooray! In 2019, all Apple Lightning cables will adopt USB-C. The familiar rectangular USB-A port will be replaced with the rounded USB-C...
Xavier Zymantas, XYZtech
Oct 1, 2018
Apple Mac Pro 2019: mighty
The Apple Mac Pro 2019 needs to be mighty. It needs to be awesome. It needs to be the king of the heap: with a sensible price tag.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 19, 2018
Massive Opportunity for Microsoft
A massive opportunity awaits for Microsoft: the chance to scuttle Apple's October product line. Kill it now.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 14, 2018
All Apple Lightning cables to go USB-C in 2019
Hooray! In 2019, all Apple Lightning cables will adopt USB-C. The familiar rectangular USB-A port will be replaced with the rounded USB-C po
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 12, 2018
Apple Magic Mouse Trap
Apple's rechargable Magic Mouse will remain unchanged for 2018. The din is in the details, as the charging port on the bottom of the mou
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 10, 2018
New 2019 Apple Thunderbolt Display
Information on the new 2019 Thunderbolt Display from Apple has landed. This feature-packed display will become the centrepiece of your works
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 7, 2018
Mac Mini 2019 details emerge
Finally, we have access to reliable details on the state of the new Mac Mini. In hybernation since 2014, we now have details on the 2019 Mac
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Sep 3, 2018
Apple to refresh iMac range in October 2018
Apple fans rejoice - the iMac range will be refreshed in October 2018. After launching the iPhone XS and XS Max in September, an iMac refres
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Jul 13, 2018
Sorry, you're just a USB accessory.
Sorry, you're just a USB accessory. Whether you plug your iPhone in to a $5000 gaming PC, a $3000 laptop, or a $1200 desktop computer, i
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Jul 12, 2018
Microsoft and Qualcomm in race for tablet supremacy over Apple
Yes, it's true. Microsoft and Qualcomm want to beat Apple. How will they do it? We have the plan.
Xavier Zymantas, XYZ Media Group
Jul 12, 2018
iPhone to get USB-C? Yes and No
Despite the many rumours and supposed leaks that the 2019 edition iPhone and iPad will adopt the USB-C port, we can both confirm and deny th
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