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Apple Magic Mouse Trap

Apple's rechargable Magic Mouse will remain unchanged for 2018. The din is in the details, because the charging port on the bottom of the mouse makes it unusable while it's charging.

Apple Mouse Trap

Mouse Trap

Everyone loves the Apple mouse. It created a stir originally with its point and click prowess, and has changed over the last thirty years from beige to white, and now there's a Space Grey version. It's also changed from wired to wireless, no batteries to batteries, and from replaceable batteries to rechargeable batteries, and from replaceable batteries to a non-replaceable rechargeable battery.

The newest version of the Magic Mouse has a rechargeable non-replaceable battery. The charging port is a Lightning connector on the bottom of the mouse. The only problem with that, is that you can't use the mouse while it's charging.

It's also spawned a range of memes, including one where a customer tried to recharge their Apple Pencil by plugging it in to the Lightning port on the bottom of the mouse. The mouse trap continues.

No new mouse in 2018

There will be no changes to the Magic Mouse 2 for the 2018 year, and we doubt we'll see any changes to it in 2019 either. Apple has bigger problems to deal with... like... counting their money.

Until next time,

Xavier Zymantas


XYZ Media Group

Xavier Zymantas

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