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Microsoft Andromeda project lights up

The Andromeda project from Microsoft has lit up this week, with speculation, renderings, patents, and all kinds of information making its way to the public.

Microsoft Andromeda project lights up

What is Andromeda?

Microsoft's Andromeda project made all kinds of news this week, lighting up Twitter, various Microsoft-themed blogs, and lots of rumours and speculation. Fueling the fire was the leak/release of a number of patents, complete with diagrams, giving a clear insight in to what Microsoft has been developing.

The first point of interest is the software, explicitly a pen-friendly version of Windows 10, and possibly a pen-friendly version of Windows on ARM. This will also be a finger-friendly version as a sideline.

The second point of interest is the hardware, specifically what appears to be a phone-sized device that unfolds into a tablet-sized device.

The third point of interest is a different patent which explores a phone-sized device with a deployable rotating connector to form a magnetic connection to a second (twin) device, thus connecting two phone-sized devices together magnetically, and using both screens as one foldable tablet-sized device. One screen could display WIndows while the other screen displays a touch keyboard or pen marking area. Alternatively, both screens could be used to display content, with the hinge forming a bookmarking area, similar to the original concept of the Courier.

Why does Andromeda matter?

Andromeda matters as it forms the basis of Microsoft's future small tablet mobility device family.

While Microsoft has clearly killed Windows Phone OS and has killed any future phone-based devices, they are clearly keen to tread anew into the small tablet market, and even the medium-tablet 8" to 10" market, with a tablet-first device that may also have telephone capabilities.

Intel or Qualcomm?

We fully expect any Andromeda device to be a Qualcomm-based solution, leaving the Surface family to fulfil any obligations to Intel.

Expect the Andromeda family to Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 powered, with Windows on ARM, and the capability to dock to large screen monitor, keyboard, and mouse, to become a light-use PC at home or the office.

Until next time,

Xavier Zymantas

XYZtech XYZ Media Group

Who am I?

Xavier Zymantas

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